Hello my super impatient friends!! I know that I haven’t been the best blogger lately, not that any of you have been keeping your feelings a secret!! But I will tell you why I haven’t been blogging….
1. I have to keep an official intern blog for school, and I really haven’t wanted to do that one. And I feel guilty when I update my fun blog and not my boring one. Solution: Don’t update either one. But as you can see, I have two new entries on my school blog and I have returned to you.
2. Spring Break. Hayden, Dana, and Adriane came for a little visit. So fun. We did all kinds of touristy things around Dallas. (See numbers 3 and 4).
3. Tom-Tom lost me in a trailer park. Not just me, my Arizona visitors too! We wanted to go to the JFK Museum. I looked up the address: 411 Elm Street. Tom-Tom says that address doesn’t exist, but he suggests 499 Elm Street. I say ok Tom-Tom, I can do that…it’s right down the street from where we need to go. Ten minutes go by. I’m driving. Coming to a split in the freeway. Tom-Tom says go left. I tell everyone in my car that I’m pretty sure that I need to go right…because that’s which direction downtown is in…but when it comes to me or Tom-Tom, I always go with Tom-Tom. So I turn left. Like ten more minutes go by and we’re still driving away from downtown Dallas. We all talk about how we’re sure we’re going the wrong way because we thought JFK got shot in a parade and it just wouldn’t have made sense that it was way out in the boonies ! We were only a few minutes away from 499 Elm Street at this point so we decided we should probably find out exactly where Tom-Tom was planning to take us, just in case it was somewhere we needed to go. But it turns out it was a trailer park in Balch Springs. I don’t even know where that is. But the JFK Museum is definitely not there. If you’re starting to think this could have maybe possibly been my fault…well…in the wise words of Dana, “oh, you are dead wrong”. Tom-Tom is supposed to be smarter than me.
4. I added two more states to my list. We took a little road trip to Shreveport and then north to Magnolia, Arkansas and then came home through Texarkana on the way home. It was a loooong day and we probably should have left 2 hours earlier because it was too dark to see most of Arkansas. We did however visit the Bonnie and Clyde Ambush Museum in Gibsland, LA and the site where they were actually gunned down. Gibsland just happens to be the Daffodil Capitol of Louisiana – just so you’ll know if you ever get a Trivial Pursuit question about it.
5. I’ve been putting my education to good use. And I’m not talking about telling my favorite people all of the random this I learn at school like the number of engines on a 747, or how to set a hollow square, or how slaves have to build all of the hotels in Cambodia… If any of my Tourism people are reading this, I really wish I had been to all of the above mentioned places before we had to write all of those assignments for 401. Visitor flow management…check. Return on investment…check, check. How I can help your hole-in-the-wall tourist attraction earn more revenue…check, Check, CHECK.
6. I’ve been thawing out. It snowed again. March 20 and it snowed. Want to know what I did on March 19? Laid out by the pool because it was nice and warm. Also on March 20, my heater decided not to work. Definitely not a problem on March 19, but on March 20, yes BIG problem. Skeeter was kind of hopeful that I would freeze so she could keep me forever...Ted Williams style. Just for future reference, I'm ok with this. I mean he played for the Red Sox and I love all that is Boston! I was going to take a picture of the snow to post, but turns out, it looks just like it did before.
7. My sea-monkeys have been multiplying like crazy and I have been counting the babies. We did a little research and found out that sea-monkeys can be sexual or asexual, so I guess that explains how I had one sea-monkey and now I have 13 big ones and about 5000 babies. This weekend when it was snowing and my heater wasn’t working, I was sure my sea-monkeys were going to freeze to death so I put a towel around their little tank. That was so pet-friendly of me I can still hardly believe it. They’re just so ugly and tiny that I can’t help but feel sorry for them.
8. I’ve been going to bed early (on AZ time anyway). I survived Day-Light Savings Day. I was actually really worried about that one, but I wasn’t late for a thing….maybe I should say “later than usual” for a thing.
9. I’ve been really busy at work and I don’t have time to think up great things to blog about. If you’re at all interested you can go to my other blog boydinternshipdallas.blogspot.com. It’s written for my school people so you definitely won’t have the time of your life reading it.
10. I get really angry at my internet because it’s really slow so it takes like 3 days to upload pictures. Which is exactly why this post is a words-only edition. I try every day of my life to steal my neighbor’s WiFi, but they all have passwords that I can’t guess.